Review of the year

The Blickle year 2024 at a glance

2024 was full of challenges, characterised by a demanding economic environment, international crises and geopolitical uncertainties. The order situation of many companies in a wide range of different industries was unsatisfactory. The Blickle Group also felt the effects of these influences. Thanks to our broad customer structure and our international presence, we were able to cushion the negative development in individual markets. Despite increased efforts, however, we did not succeed in achieving the growth targets set for 2024. Nevertheless, we are proud that we continue to be a leader in the wheel and castor industry. At the same time, this is an incentive for us to become even better. For the future, we will continue to rely on our flexibility and adaptability. By setting up distribution companies in Japan and Colombia, we want to open up new markets in order to be on site for our customers worldwide. Major investments, for example in state-of-the-art production processes, innovative products, the digitalisation of our manufacturing and administration, and the expansion of our sales organisation, also help to ensure that we are well positioned for the future.