Guide rollers - FTH series
With polyurethane tread Blickle Extrathane®
The Blickle Extrathane® tread of the FTH guide roller series is cast directly onto the ball bearing. The ball bearings are sealed on both sides, providing outstanding protection against contamination.
The wheels provide a low level of rolling resistance, while also being highly resistant to wear and a number of aggressive substances (Find out more in our guide
guide). The light brown Extrathane® tread is also non-marking and non-staining. FTH guide rollers are commonly used for lifts, gate guidance systems, conveyor belt systems and swimming pool covers.
FTH – Guide rollers
FTH guide rollers range in size between 30 and 75 mm in diameter. Technical specifications, such as load capacities and dimensions, are provided in the table below and on the relevant product detail page.
Wheel Ø
[mm]Load capacity
at 4 km/h
[kg]Ball bearing
Axle bore Ø
[mm]FTH 30x8/6-6K 30 8 25 626 2RS 6 6 FTH 30x11/9-7K 30 11 30 609 2RS 9 7 FTH 30x14/5-12K 30 14 50 2 x 635 2RS 5 12 FTH 34x16/8-7K 34 16 35 608 2RS 8 7 FTH 35x14/12-8K 35 14 40 6001 2RS 12 8 FTH 36x13/10-9K 36 13 45 6200 2RS 10 9 FTH 40x15/10-8K 40 15 45 6000 2RS 10 8 FTH 40x20/10-9K 40 20 50 6200 2RS 10 9 FTH 45x17/15-11K 45 17 70 6202 2RS 15 11 FTH 50x15/10-9K 50 15 65 6200 2RS 10 9 FTH 50x15/12-12K 50 15 80 6301 2RS 12 12 FTH 50x18/15-11K 50 18 80 6202 2RS 15 11 FTH 52x15/12-12K 52 15 85 6301 2RS 12 12 FTH 60x20/17-12K 60 20 100 6203 2RS 17 12 FTH 61x30/17-12K 61 30 105 6203 2RS 17 12 FTH 62x15/20-12K 62 15 105 6004 2RS 20 12 FTH 70x20/25-15K 70 20 150 6205 2RS 25 15 FTH 75x23/20-14K 75 23 150 6204 2RS 20 14