Levelling castors - HRLK series

With foot pedal or adjustment screw

The HRLK levelling castor series is available in four different versions. The castor uses a pressed steel swivel bracket with top plate fitting, a fixed operating lever and an integrated truck lock. The height of the truck lock is adjusted using the operating lever. The HRLK levelling castor with the suffix ...HN at the end of the product code has a top plate fitting and a swivelling rear operating and release lever which extends and releases the truck lock. Due to its mobility, the lever can also be pivoted under the edge of the trolley for improved safety. In contrast to the levelling castors in the HRLK and HRLK...HN series, the HRLK...F series adjusts the height of the wheel with the swivelling operating lever rather than the truck lock. The truck lock remains in place for stability and safety. The HRLK...VS height adjustment castor does not have a truck lock. An adjustment screw is used to make height adjustments while the unit is stable and fix the wheel in place.

For more information click here.

  • HRLK levelling castors with top plate fitting

    HRLK series levelling castors use a variety of polyurethane, nylon and elastic solid rubber tyres. For information about the wheel sizes which are available, please refer to the product table.

    HRLK series: Levelling castors with fixed position operating lever and integrated truck lock with top plate fitting
    HRLK…-HN series: Levelling castors with swivelling operating and release levers with top plate fitting
    HRLK…-F series: Levelling castors with fixed foot with top plate fitting
    HRLK…-VS series: Levelling castor with adjustment screw with top plate fitting

    A detailed description and a comparison of the bracket series are available in our guide.

    Wheel Ø

    Load capacity
    at 4 km/h
    Bearing type

    Total height

    height max.

    Floor clearance
    foot max.
    Bolt hole
    hole Ø

    HRLK-PO 75G 75 32 200 plain bore 118 120 2 13 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 56
    HRLK-SPO 75G 75 32 300 plain bore 118 120 2 13 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 56
    HRLK-SPO 75K 75 32 300 ball bearing 118 120 2 13 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 56
    HRLK-ALTH 80K 80 30 200 ball bearing 120 122 2 13 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 56
    HRLK-ALTH 80K-F 80 30 150 ball bearing 117 122 2 5 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 52
    HRLK-ALTH 80K-HN 80 30 200 ball bearing 117 121 4 12 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 56
    HRLK-PO 80G-F 80 32 150 plain bore 117 122 2 5 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 52
    HRLK-PO 82G 80 37 230 plain bore 120 122 2 13 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 56
    HRLK-PO 82G-HN 80 37 230 plain bore 117 121 4 12 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 56
    HRLK-PO 82G-VS 80 37 230 plain bore 108 120 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 42
    HRLK-SPO 80G-HN 80 37 250 plain bore 117 121 4 12 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 56
    HRLK-SPO 80K 80 37 300 ball bearing 120 122 2 13 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 56
    HRLK-ALST 82K 80 40 230 ball bearing 120 122 2 13 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 56
    HRLK-POEV 82KF 80 40 170 ball bearing (C) 120 122 2 13 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 56
    HRLK-POEV 100KA 100 32 200 ball bearing (C) 140 142 2 13 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 65
    HRLK-PO 100G 100 37 230 plain bore 140 142 2 13 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 65
    HRLK-PO 100G-VS 100 37 280 plain bore 128 140 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 45
    HRLK-PO 100KA 100 37 230 ball bearing (C) 140 142 2 13 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 65
    HRLK-ALST 100K 100 40 230 ball bearing 140 142 2 13 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 65
    HRLK-ALTH 100K 100 40 230 ball bearing 140 142 2 13 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 65